Does your life care about your feelings?

In today’s generation, it is very easy to fall into the trap of constantly trying to impress others. The craze of social media increasing day by day among youth giving them the pressure to always show a perfect image, life, and status. Many people find themselves in a never-ending loop of seeking validation from others. However, this constant need for approval can be opposites to our well-being and personal growth. It is important to your feelings and learn to take a step back when you find yourself doing something to impress others.

Firstly we have to break the loop of seeking validation to understand why we feel the need to impress others. This desire develops from a fear of rejection and a fear of being alone. We thought if we constantly sought approval so, we could avoid the pain of being alone, and gain a sense of self-worth. However, this external validation is fleeting and can never provide the lasting fulfillment that comes from being true to ourselves.

We have to think about why we doing this. Do we truly enjoy it and it aligns with our values? Do we want other’s admiration? Do we don’t want to feel left behind? Please take your time to analyze your main motive to impress others. In my opinion, We are in a race to find someone so that we don’t feel alone. The fear of being alone is the most dangerous feeling. People like you and me pretend to be robot and take our control to someone else who doesn’t even deserve to be with us. Still, we blindly trust them and do everything they want to make us do.

Sometimes we do things because we love them and sometimes we do things because of fear, fear of being left behind. We agreed to live under the shadow of someone else but we don’t have that much inner power to get out of it and make our own self strong.

When we are alone we only think negatively. we feel pity for ourselves. we feel lonely or sorry for ourselves. whenever we lose someone we blame ourselves. we beg in front of them to stay with us and that’s how we give them the authority to control our emotions, mind, fear, everything. The problem is you and I are behaving like clowns. we are following everything that people in power want to make us do. If you ever feel or face this kind of situation in your life you need to know when you have to stop and when you have to take a step back.

Being Insecure
  • Step back if you beg someone to stay with you.
  • step back if you are the only one who puts effort into any relationship.
  • step back if you behave like a clown and entertain others just to grab their attention.
  • step back if you feel like you are habitual to someone.
  • step back if you don’t get the same energy in return.
  • step back if your only motive to stay with others is not to be left behind.

But the reality is, your life doesn’t care about your feelings. it goes on. There is no need to feel lonely or sorry for yourself. Being alone is a part of life, it’s a part of adulting. your friends and mates cannot stay with you for the rest of your life. life moves pretty fast and everyone is trying to run faster so that they aren’t left behind.

the simple truth of life is, that people leave, for good or bad, and life goes on. some people will leave for a better opportunity, while there will be times when you will have to leave people for career growth. And then there will be times when people will get bored of you and they will find another toy to play with. That’s how it is.

So, just stop being a fool but your own feelings and start focusing on what actually matters to you. Everyone in your life is temporary in the end you only have yourself by your side. Put yourself first and impress yourself rather than others. Draw a line where to stop and set your boundaries. If you don’t control fear then your fear controls you. Being alone is not depressive. Once you explore your own self then you know the actual meaning of being peacefully alone.

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